OPS Bone Doctors


Young black couple doing high knee exercise
Knee Replacement

A knee replacement is when metal pieces replace the end of the femur (thigh bone) and the top of the tibia (shin bone). A molded plastic piece fits between the 2 metallic components acting as a spacer and a bearing. A domed piece of plastic resurfaces the underside of the patella (knee cap).

Oxford Uni Knee Resurfacing

This procedure is less invasive than total knee replacement, and replaces only damaged or arthritic portions of the knee. Metal and plastic implants are used, which have the potential to last longer and wear down much slower than traditional implants. Bone may be removed to make way for the new implants, which are cemented into place when completed. The ACL is not affected or touched in this procedure.

ACL Reconstruction

Located in the knee, the ACL helps anchor the femur to the tibia. This procedure can help you regain normal knee function, which is lost when the ACL is torn. The surgeon will remove a portion of the patellar tendon in your knee, which will be used as a graft to repair the ACL. The graft is placed through a tunnel created in your tibia into the spot where your ACL once was, and anchored into place. This allows new tissue to grow over time and strengthen the joint.

Arthroscopic Chondroplasty

This procedure involved the removal of damaged cartilage in the knee, which will allow new, healthy cartilage to grow and take its place. The surgeon uses an arthroscope and small tools in this procedure to remove the damaged cartilage before closing the incisions.

Meniscus Repair

A meniscus is C-shaped cartilage found in your knee, with 2 minisci in each knee acting as cushions. When a meniscus tears, your surgeon will use an arthroscope to inspect your knee joint, remove loose tissue, and use sutures and anchors to repair simple tears. If the tear is large or too hard to reach, the meniscus may be removed entirely instead.

Microfracture Drilling Procedure for Isolated Chondral Defect

This minimally invasive procedure may be used to stimulate the growth of healthy scar cartilage in the knee. This is done by removing the damaged cartilage, and drilling a series of very small holes in the bone that has been exposed.

Total Knee Replacement

A total knee replacement restores function to a severely damaged knee, very commonly due to issues with arthritis. The damaged portions of the knee are replaced with artificial parts, made of metal and plastic. The surgeon trims away the damaged area, and reshapes the bone so the new parts will properly fit. The parts work in harmony to function the same as the natural joint would.

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